Photo report of the exhibition "Bright and frank paintings by Boyko Peter"
During November-December 2010, the Chernigov Regional Art Museum held a personal exhibition of paintings by contemporary artist Boyko Peter.
The exhibition featured more than 30 works dating from 2009 to 2010. In his paintings can be traced sensual, color element. The author boldly experiments with color, making the most of its inexhaustible expressive possibilities.

BOIKO Petr Borisovich (born in 1954, Priluki, Chernigov region) - artist and collector, a talented and extraordinary person, a man of boundless sincerity and openness, a real thirst for life, people and art. His name is recorded in the book "Golden Fund of the Nation.
Since the age of five and up to now he has been an avid collector. As a young man he belonged to the "hippie" movement, traveled extensively. For his rebellious anti-Soviet behavior he was repeatedly detained by the police and KGB. Given his opposition views on life, was sent for military service in the Arkhangelsk region in the "stroybat", a lumber camp.

With his paintings, the author immerses viewers in his own little world. "Come, with friends, acquaintances and see my talents for yourself!" - Boyko Piotr notes. And a talent Peter Borisovich considers the desire to draw and a good mood in addition.

Paintings by Boyko Peter presented in the Museum of Modern Art of Odessa, Odessa Literary Museum, Chernigov Regional Art Museum n.a. G. Galagan, also - in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Israel and the USA.

The artist's work is characterized by an original and unique style. The past and the present are united in the spiritual space of the artist. Perhaps it is no accident that he chose the transavant-garde (or neo-expressionism) direction in art.

Stylistics and subjects Boyko Peter refer viewers to the subjects and styles of such great artists as - Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, but the Ukrainian artist passed his creative way. Stylistics and subjects Boiko Peter developed only after years of experimentation and search for his "I".

Due to these factors, the name of the outstanding conceptualist was included in the "Golden Fund of the Nation". Painter Boyko Peter is a whole chapter in the contemporary visual art of Ukraine.

In 1985, the young Peter Boyko entered the Moscow All-Union Academy of Painting (teacher by profession - L. Kastorina), which finished in 1993. During his studies he took lessons from Ilya Glazunov and Zurab Tsereteli.
From 1980s he often travelled to Odessa, communicated with non-conformist artists, representatives of Odessa avant-garde, among whom were V. Basanets, E. Usov and Y. Kovalenko, as well as the artist from Priluki P. Mironenko. Later it was the lessons of Yu. Kovalenko that had a great influence on the outlook, the creative manner, and the philosophy of life of P. Boyko.

The exhibition "Ukrainian seasons of modern art in Hong Kong", which was held in Hong Kong, deserves special attention. The works of the leading Ukrainian artists - Babchinskiy Andriy, Bondero Vadim, Khasileva Inna, Yaloza Albina and Boyko Pyotr - were selected within the project.
Boyko Peter was one of the thirteen participants of the exhibition "Stilyagi in Kyiv", which was held in "Sofiyskaya" Art Gallery from 13 December 2008 to 14 January 2009.

Go to our catalog and choose the painting you like by Boyko Peter.