Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)


An image obtained on paper or cardboard using a pencil, felt-tip pen, watercolor brush or a printing press is called graphics. There are such types of graphics:

  • engraving (printmaking):

1. woodcut;

2. linocut;

3. etching (on zinc);

4. lithograph (on stone);

  • watercolor;
  • drawing;
  • illustration.
Selection by parameters
Painting La Liberté guidant la Révolution 1, artist Beliaeva Julia
Material: Dibond
Design: Нет
Creation period: 2014
Style: Постмодернизм
Dimension (W x H), cm: 120*60
In stock
51,090 UAH
Drawing Tybalt - Romeo and Juliet, artist Levytska Maria
Material: Бумага
Design: Есть
Creation period: 2000
Dimension (W x H), cm: 29*42
Artist: Левицкая Мария
In stock
47,160 UAH
Painting La Liberté guidant la Révolution 2, artist Beliaeva Julia
Material: Dibond
Design: Нет
Creation period: 2014
Style: Постмодернизм
Dimension (W x H), cm: 90*90
In stock
43,230 UAH
Digital painting - DJ Condor, artist Bromden
Material: Металл
Design: Есть
Creation period: 2020
Storyline: Абстракция
Style: Модернизм
In stock
39,300 UAH
Linocut Equestrian sport. Masters of dressage, artist Kazakova Vera
Material: Бумага
Design: Есть
Creation period: 1984
Storyline: Пейзаж
Style: Авангардизм, Модернизм, Кубизм
In stock
23,580 UAH
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