Peter Antyp is one of the most expensive contemporary artists in Ukraine

artist sculptor petr antip antyp painting exhibition
Artist, sculptor Antip Petr Ivanovich

Antyp Peter Ivanovich - painter and sculptor, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1989, member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1992. Honored Artist of Ukraine (2009).

The artist, sculptor, and author of monuments in various parts of Ukraine, Peter Ivanovich Antyp, was forced to leave his hometown due to the militant occupation and left Horlivka in April 2014. Soon after the artist's departure, his housing was completely looted and destroyed. 

Peter Antip took with him to the new city only his work experience and memories of the Donetsk steppe. So began the life from scratch in Kiev of an outstanding and talented sculptor and artist. But the artist tries not to despair, because his family survived by a miracle, and the monuments in the occupied territory have not yet been destroyed.

"I make squares, monuments, fountains. In Zaporozhye there is my "Fountain of Life", in Donetsk - the fountain "Money Tree" and a monument to Adam Smith, in Gorlovka - my monument to Peter Gorlov. I co-authored monuments to Taras Shevchenko in Gorlovka and Dobropillya, in Yenakievo - my monument to Fedor Yenakiev, in the capital - to Academician Nikolai Amosov at Baykovo cemetery, in Kalynivka, Vinnitsa region - to poet Stepan Rudansky." - says the artist.

sculpture fountain of life antip antyp petr zaporozhye
Sculpture of Peter Antipas - Fountain of Life, Zaporozhye

Born April 4, 1959, in Gorlovka (Ukraine, Donetsk Oblast).

Studied at the Penza Art School. K.A. Savitsky (1980-1984). Worked at the Donetsk Art Works. In 1989 won II prize at the International Sculpture Symposium in Ternopil.

Artist Sculptor Petr Antip Antip Sculpture Workshop
Peter Antip in his workshop with his sculptures

In 2006, in the center of Donetsk (Ukraine) on Alexander Pushkin Boulevard was installed a sculptural composition by Peter Antyp "David and Goliath", which depicts the Old Testament characters of David and Goliath.

sculpture david goliath petr antyp antip Donetsk park puskin ukrainian steppe
Sculpture of Peter Antyp David and Goliath, Donetsk

In 2010 the monument to Fyodor Yegorovich Yenakievo was created on the basis of the sculpture by Pyotr Antyp in 1999 (the monument was installed in the center of Yenakievo, Donetsk region, Ukraine).

The author of a number of monuments and sculptural compositions of the city of Gorlovka (Donetsk region, Ukraine): a monument to the founder of the city Peter Gorlov, a bust of Taras Shevchenko.

artist sculptor petr antip
The inspiration for his creations is the Scythian megaliths in the steppes of Ukraine and the pure, saturated hues characteristic of ancient authentic cultures. Thanks to his charismatic individuality and recognizable style, Pyotr Antyp is one of the most trendy artists in contemporary Ukraine.

Author's works are kept in museums of Ukraine, as well as in the private collections of Igor Dichenko (Ukraine), H. Klein (Germany) and D. Stuhl (France). The works were presented at a solo exhibition in Paris, as well as at numerous international exhibitions.

exhibition artist sculptor visitors antip petr antyp
Sculpture by Pyotr Antyp. Exhibition at the Art-Donbass Art Center

To view and purchase the works of Peter Antip you can by following the link.

Selected personal exhibitions, group exhibitions and projects:

2019 Joint exhibition of Peter Antip and Nikolai Biryuchinskiy "Latir stone". Gallery "ABC-art", Kiev.

2018 Art project "More than Sculpture", Art-Ukraine Gallery, Kiev.

2018 Exhibition "Open Format", ABC-Art Gallery, Kiev.

2017 Personal exhibition "Amazon - goddess of the steppe", Taras Shevchenko National Museum, Kiev.

2017 Exhibition "Eros and Inspiration", Art-Cafeteria Gallery, Lutsk.

2017 Exhibition "Cultural Code of Ukraine in the Artistic Space of the Landscape", Taras Shevchenko National Museum, Kiev.

2017 Intermuseum project "Milky Way", Ivan Honchar Museum, Kiev.

2017 Exhibition of Donbas artists: "Staying with Ukraine in the heart!", Central House of Artists, Kiev.

2017 Exhibition "Struggle for Independence through the Eyes of Artists", Plast-Art Museum of Contemporary Art, Chernihiv.

2017 Exhibition "Outpost", Art-Cafeteria Gallery, Lutsk.

2016 Sculpture exhibition, National Museum in Lviv named after Andrew Sheptytsky.

2016 All-Ukrainian Pictorial Triennale, Kiev.

2016 Exhibition "Sculpture in the open air", National Reserve "Sofia Kyivska".

2016 International exhibition of landscape "Kuindzhi Memorial", Mariupol.

2015 Project "On the Horizon of Time". X Art-Kyiv Contemporary, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev.

2015 Exhibition "Modernists of Ukraine", Art-Cafeteria Gallery, Lutsk.

2015 National Forum "Donkult - artistic nedrach", Lviv.

2015, 2011, 2010, 2007 Great Sculpture Salon, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev.

2015 "The Other Donbass" project. IH Art-Kyiv Contemporary, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev.

2015 All-Ukrainian Sculpture Triennale, Kiev.

2014 "ArtKyivContemporary", Kiev. National Forum "Donkult - artistic subsoil", Kiev. Kanev Sculpture Symposium, Kanev. Ukrainian Sculpture Triennale, Kiev.

2014 Personal exhibition "Cornerstone", "ABC-art" gallery, Kiev.

2012 Art project "Lviv-2012", Lviv Palace of Arts, Lviv.

2011 Triptych ART Gallery, Kiev.

2011 Great Sculpture Salon, Kiev. "Myths of ancient Ukraine", Gorlovka Art Museum, Gorlovka.

2010 Great Sculpture Salon, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev.

2009 "The Donetsk Wind. 20 years later," Donetsk Regional Art Museum, Donetsk.

2009 "De profundis. Milestones of Ukrainian plastics, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev.

2007 Joint exhibition with Alexander Glumakov and Sergey Prin, "Art Gallery 13", Donetsk. II International Art Fair "Art-Kiev-2007", Kiev. Large Sculpture Salon, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kiev.

2006 Participation in the charity auction "Art Bridge", Kiev. Exhibition in Art Gallery 13, Donetsk, Ukraine.

2005 All-Ukrainian Sculpture Triennale, Kiev.

2001 Biennale "Autumn Salon", Lvov. Magdeburg Art Festival (Germany).

2000 Personal exhibition "Magdeburg - my second birthplace".

2000 Medical University, Magdeburg, Germany.

2000 Personal exhibition, Gala Galerie, Magdeburg, Germany.

1999 All-Ukrainian Sculpture Triennale, Kiev. "The Art of Ukraine of the twentieth century", Kiev.

1997 Stefania Gallery, Magdeburg, Germany.

1996 Joint exhibition of Pyotr Antip with Christian Dubois and Taejon Correze, Bordeaux (France).

1995 Personal exhibition, Galerie "Nelse", Paris, France.

1992 Biennale of Ukrainian Art, Ivano-Frankovsk. Joint exhibition of Pyotr Antip and Sergey Novikov, Paris (France).

1991 Biennale of Ukrainian Fine Arts "Diaspora-91", Kiev. Biennale of Ukrainian Fine Arts "Lviv-91. Renaissance", Lviv.

1990 Exhibition of the Modern Ukrainian Art in Malmo (Sweden).

1989 Republican exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine", Kharkov. Spring Republican exhibition in Kiev.

1988 Republican exhibition on the 50th anniversary of the Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kiev.

1987 Republican exhibition, Kiev. Regional exhibition in Donetsk.

Peter Antip is the author of such architectural monuments:

  • Sculptural composition "David and Goliath", opened in 2006, Donetsk (Ukraine);
  • create an entire sculpture park "Ukrainian Steppe" in the center of Donetsk on Pushkin Street (Ukraine);
  • Monument to the founder of the city Peter Gorlov in the center of Gorlovka (Ukraine);
  • The bust of Taras Shevchenko in the city of Yenakievo and the city of Dobropillya (Ukraine);
  • Monument to Fyodor Yegorovich Yenakiyevo in Yenakiyevo (Ukraine);
  • "Fountain of Life", Zaporozhye (Ukraine);
  • "Money Tree" fountain in Donetsk (Ukraine);
  • Monument to Adam Sim in Donetsk (Ukraine).


- "Internally Displaced Artist." Pyotr Antip from Gorlovka talked about creativity and abandonment in the occupation - article from 24-03-2021;

- Peter Antip, artist, sculptor Ukraine in terms of culture, is a wound. And it needs to be stitched up - article from 23.10.2018;

- I am a man from Donetsk and I am proud of it - artist Pyotr Antip at an exhibition in Kiev - article from 05.04.2017;

- The Donetsk Regional Art Museum is exhibiting the work of Horlivka artist Pyotr Antyp - article from 24.01.11;

- Peter Antip. Notes from the exhibition - article from 02.01.2015;

- Sculptor Petr Antip: No School, No Country - article from 25.03.2015;

- "Lost a million dollars and started life all over again" - the migrant artist Peter Antip - article from 07.05.2017

- It's easy and fun to be an artist if you were born one," - Peter Antip - article from 04.05.2018;

- wikipedia.