Makarov Viktor - natural artist's talent

«The artist needs no rewards - his fate has rewarded…» - Lina Kostenko.

Viktor Makarov is one of the brightest self-taught artists, whom admirers call "the Ukrainian Van Gogh", and even "Gauguin", for the brightness of colors and the power of artistic expression. Makarov's paintings are imbued with love for nature and native land. 

His paintings are often called "Icons of Nature" because each of them radiates an inherent calm, peacefulness, light sadness and absolute openness.

As a painter Makarov Viktor Vasilievich was formed on the foundations of Post-Impressionism. Plot simplicity, decorative color, expressive manner of painting, broad pastel brushstroke - the characteristic features of his art.

Inna Bohoslovska about paintins of Makarov Viktor

«The artist Makarov is probably my biggest artistic discovery. For many years I have been interested and engaged in art. Among my friends there are many not only Ukrainian, but also foreign masters. And yet, my acquaintance with the art of V.V. Makarov struck me with its non-provinciality and timelessness. The impression is that these paintings were painted not by a man who lives in a small provincial town in our days and on very modest means, but by a certain, say, a Parisian maestro, pampered with fame, popularity and fortune. Makarov does not fight against the harsh manifestations of our existence and the current uneasy time: he simply does not notice them, because he creates for eternity.» - comment of Ukrainian politician and collector Inna Bohoslovska.

Makarov's works are kept in private collections in Ukraine, USA, Canada, Germany, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, and his work has been awarded 28 different diplomas and awards.

Follow the link to see Makarov's works, which are on sale.