2023 — ArtDom

Ordering documents for exporting paintings abroad

Today, Ukraine has tightened control over the movement of cultural property. In this regard, customs services are closely monitoring paintings, graphics and decorative and applied art objects that people want to take abroad.
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Packing and shipping of paintings to the USA

Often artists send us their paintings for us to do a "turnkey" delivery, i.e. make export documents (expert's conclusion), packaging and hand over to the postal operator for delivery abroad.
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Restoration of paintings and icons is the painstaking work of a restorer

We received an icon painted on canvas in a very bad condition from a customer. Having seen the pictures in messenger, we told the customer that the restoration process would take at least 4 weeks. The customer agreed and brought the painting for restoration. 
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Transporting paintings to Paris

Three months ago we transported over 100 paintings and sculptures from the artist's studio to Paris. We described the details of the first shipment in our article " Transportation of paintings from Kiev to Paris ".  In June 2023, the artist asked us again to move a second private piece of art from his studio. 
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5 reasons to register the copyright of a painting

5 reasons to register the copyright of a painting. 
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Professional painting restoration is an art

In the life of a painting there are different cases and one of them is damage to the canvas. In our services page under " Restoration of paintings " we have already described types of damage to paintings and frames. And in this article, we'll look at a specific example of how to restore a painting. 
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Buy NFT of your paintings dearly - frequent messages of swindlers

More and more often on the accounts of artists and galleries come messages with offers to buy NFT paintings. And the proposed value is very high - $ 1000, $ 5000. Why is it crooks - consider in this article. 
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How to correctly fill in the customs declaration when sending art objects?

A common question for artists, gallery owners, and collectors is how to deliver and transport artworks abroad. When crossing customs checkpoints, you must fill out a customs declaration, listing the goods, their quantity, and value. 
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Delivery of porcelain sculpture to Austria

We recently received an order to transport a porcelain sculpture from Kiev to Austria. We were told beforehand that the sculpture is made of porcelain and has a height of 120 cm. Even when you hear about a sculpture of small size - 10-20 cm you start to worry. The point of this material is to be difficult to work with, to be fragile in life and at the same time give the viewer extraordinary brilliance and beauty. 
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Transportation of paintings from Kiev to Paris

We recently received order to transport the artist's studio from Kiev to Paris. At first the artist indicated that there would be about 70 paintings of medium size - 50 x 70 cm. We calculated the cost of all our services and started our cooperation. 
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