Kublik Mikhail - representative of Ukrainian Cubism

If we are talking about Ukrainian Cubism, the first name is deservedly that of "Ukrainian Picasso" - Alexander Bogomazov. But Ukrainian art contains many talented names. One of them is Kublik Mikhail Alekseevich, whose style also resembles Picasso, or even Gauguin, Cézanne, but has a rich coloring, bright shadows, and pastel brushstrokes. 

картина Рядом с античностью художник Кублик М.А.
Painting "Next to Antiquity" 1991 Kublik MA.

Once you see it, you'll remember it forever. That's how you can characterize the work of Kublik Mykhailo Oleksiyovych. Art historians often mark Kublik MA as an outstanding Ukrainian Cubist, his painting conceptual. Looking at pictures Kublik MA viewer falls in love with nature. This is the artistic legacy of the artist - to make the viewer fall in love with the world around us. And Kublik Michael Alexeyevich perfectly copes with this task, for over 40 years.

Born January 18, 1948, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. My twin brother - Nikolai Kublik (1948-1995). Ukrainian painter. Also known as a master of watercolor painting.

Professional education he received in Dnepropetrovsk Art College. В. Vuchetich in Dnepropetrovsk and Leningrad Higher Art and Industry School named after V. Mukhina, in 1971 he graduated from the Art and Graphic Department of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after A. Herzen (St. Petersburg). Specialty teachers: L. Krivitsky, A. Shuvalov.

He created urban landscapes, canvases on historical, biblical and modern themes. In the best paintings he achieved a multilayered interpretation of images due to the ability to put a precise compositional accents and transfer the tonal richness of color. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (1990). Worked at the Dnepropetrovsk art - production plant (1976-1997).

Participated in exhibitions: regional (since 1976), national (since 1980).

Since 1990, personal exhibitions are actively held in many Ukrainian cities.

Paintings Kublik Mikhail Alekseevich are kept in the collections of the Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum, Dnepropetrovsk National Historical Museum. D. Yavornytskyi, the Museum of Ukrainian Painting (Dnipro) and private collections in Ukraine, Europe and the United States.

картина натюрморт художник Кублик Михаил
Still Life, Kublik M.A., canvas, oil

натюрморт с клубникой художник Кублик М.А. 1990
Still Life with Strawberries, Kublik M.A., 1990, cardboard, oil, 61*52 cm

подпись на картина художник Кублик Михаил
Signed Kublik MA on the back of the picture

картина натюрморт художник Кублик Михаил
Still Life with Candles, Kublik M.A., 1997, canvas, oil

картина натюрморт художник Кублик Михаил
Kublik M.A. Still Life, canvas, oil

картина осенний пейзаж художник Кублик Михаил
Autumn Landscape, canvas, oil, 1984

акварель вид на пляже Кублик Михаил
Watercolor, On the Beach, cardboard, 1984

акварель на пляже художник Кублик Михаил
Watercolor On the Beach, Kublik M.A., cardboard, 1990

картина вид на озеро художник Кублик Михаил
Lake view, canvas, oil

картина український пейзаж Кублик Михайло
Painting Ukrainian landscape, Kublik M.A., canvas, oil, 1990

картина вид на башту художник Кублик Михайло
View of the Tower, Kublik M.A., canvas, oil, 2005

два натюрморта картины художника Кублика Михаила
Two still lifes, hosta, oil, 2015 (top), 1994 (bottom)

натюрморти художника Кублика Михайла
Two still lifes, hosta, oil, 2010 (top), 1990 (bottom)

Натюрморт абстракция художник Кублик Михаил 1948
Still Life, Kublik M.A., 1991, canvas, oil

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