Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Sculptures, figurines

A type of plastic arts, the works of which, along with architecture, artistically shape the material environment surrounding a person and introduce an aesthetic ideological and figurative principle into it. Works of decorative and applied art meet several requirements:

  • have aesthetic quality;
  • designed for artistic effect;
  • are used to decorate everyday life and interiors.

Classification of branches of decorative and applied arts:

  • by material (metal, ceramics, textiles, wood);
  • by material processing technique (carving, painting, embroidery, printing, casting, chasing, intarsia, etc.)
  • according to the functional characteristics of the use of the item (furniture, dishes, toys).
Selection by parameters
Sculpture Naiad, author Lidagovsky Alexander - sold
Material: Bronze
Size of the figure (H x Width x Depth), cm: 32*10
Artist: Lidagovskij Aleksandr
Creation technique: Casting
Design: Present
128,400 UAH
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