Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Sculpture The carnival, author Shemyakin Mihail - sold

Материал основыБронза
Период создания1980
829,800 UAH
Sculpture The carnival, author Shemyakin Mihail - sold
Sculpture The carnival, author Shemyakin Mihail - sold
829,800 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Возможно вам будет интересна тема: стойка для хранения картин

The most outstanding series by the internationally renowned artist, Mikhail Shemyakin.

Brazil hosts the world-famous carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and Venice hosts carnivals in bizarre masks. Therefore, the artist has created the Carnival in St Petersburg series, in which he depicts a mixture of styles, plots, traditions, mythical characters, heroes and bizarre figures. It is from the artist's explanation that the carnival tradition has its roots in the history of Kievan Rus.

The "Carnivals of St. Petersburg" series has received worldwide recognition and has been exhibited many times in museums and galleries all over the world, for example at the Venice Galleria del Leone (1994) and at an exhibition in Tokyo (1980).

Shemyakin Mihail (or Chemiakin; Михаил Шемякин, born 4 May 1943) is a Russian painter, stage designer, sculptor and publisher, and a controversial representative of the nonconformist art tradition of St. Petersburg.

His work can be found all over the world, both in private collections and simply on the streets of big cities (New York, London, San Francisco, Moscow, St Petersburg).

Art Dom - the gallery of paintings (shop in Ukraine, Kyiv). Artworks of Ukrainian artists - paintings, graphics (watercolors, etchings, drawings), sketches, decorative and applied arts (figurines). Only original objects, handmade by talented artists that are highly valued in the art market.

We have a collection of rare and valuable art objects that would be a great addition to the collection, a gift or just a decoration for the interior.

Gallery, salon ArtDom (Kiev) - the original paintings by artists and collectors, artworks by professional artists.

Материал основыБронза
Период создания1980