Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Картины - Техника создания - Масло

Selection by parameters
Creation technique: OilClear
Painting Wind Whisper, artist Adamina Schneider
Material: Холст
Creation period: 2022
Storyline: Абстракция
Dimension (W x H), cm: 100*80
Artist: Шнайдер Адамина
In stock
58,950 UAH
Painting Cloudy journey of the hummingbird, artist Adamina Schneider
Material: Холст
Design: Нет
Creation period: 2023
Storyline: Абстракция
Style: Неомодернизм, Сюрреализм, Модернизм
In stock
58,950 UAH
Painting Redheaded Angel, artist Radko Vladimir
Material: Холст
Design: Нет
Creation period: 2009
Storyline: Портрет
Style: Модернизм
In stock
55,020 UAH
Painting Red regatta, artist Bauer Volodymyr
Material: Холст
Design: Нет
Creation period: 1998
Storyline: Пейзаж
Style: Авангардизм, Модернизм
In stock
43,230 UAH
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