Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Paintings on metal

A very popular technique in today's art world is printing paintings (images) on metal. Digital painting is applied on a thick layer of metal called dibond, which makes these paintings quite heavy.

This trendy and fashionable technique of creating paintings has a lot of advantages for artists:

- the artist creates a subject once and can replicate their work;

- the opportunity to increase the number of sales.

For collectors, too, there are pluses:

- circulating products are more affordable in price in contrast to a single copy;

- metal and the way of applying paint allows such a work of art to be stored longer, which is good from an investment point of view;

- the probability of buying a fake is reduced.

Painting La Liberté guidant la Révolution 1, artist Beliaeva Julia
Material: Dibond
Design: No
Creation period: 2014
Style: Postmodernism
Dimension (W x H), cm: 120*60
In stock
51,090 UAH
Painting La Liberté guidant la Révolution 2, artist Beliaeva Julia
Material: Dibond
Design: No
Creation period: 2014
Style: Postmodernism
Dimension (W x H), cm: 90*90
In stock
43,230 UAH
Digital painting - DJ Condor, artist Bromden
Material: Metal
Design: Present
Creation period: 2020
Storyline: Abstraction
Style: Modernism
In stock
39,300 UAH