Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Drawing Tybalt - Romeo and Juliet, artist Levytska Maria

Материал основыБумага
Период создания2000
Размеры, см29*42
АвторЛевицкая Мария
All specifications
50,040 UAH
Drawing Tybalt - Romeo and Juliet, artist Levytska Maria
Drawing Tybalt - Romeo and Juliet, artist Levytska Maria
50,040 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Возможно вам будет интересна тема: хранение музейных предметов

Drawing by Maria Levitskaya, in gouache technique, "Tybalt" for "Romeo and Juliet" (opera by Charles Gounod).

LEVITSKA MARIA, born April 13, 1955 in Kiev, is a Ukrainian theater and costume designer. She is the chief designer of the National Opera of Ukraine (1989). Honoured Art Worker of Ukraine (1995). Laureate of the National Shevchenko Prize of Ukraine (2003). Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2017). People's Artist of Ukraine (2006).

Graduated from the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Faculty of Painting, Department of Scenography, workshop of Professor Danil Lider. She began her career as a production and costume designer at the Dovzhenko Film Studio. Since 1989 M. Levitskaya has been employed by the National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Ukraine as Stage Director.

She has created sets and costumes for over 160 opera, ballet and drama productions in Ukraine, Japan, Canada, Slovenia, Poland and Russia.
She is a participant of many art exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. Chevalier of the Order of Princess Olga III (2001) and II (2015) degrees.

Art Dom - the gallery of paintings (shop in Ukraine, Kyiv). Artworks of Ukrainian artists - paintings, graphics (watercolors, etchings, drawings), sketches, decorative and applied arts (figurines). Only original objects, handmade by talented artists that are highly valued in the art market.

We have a collection of rare and valuable art objects that would be a great addition to the collection, a gift or just a decoration for the interior.

Gallery, salon ArtDom (Kiev) - the original paintings by artists and collectors, artworks by professional artists.

Материал основыБумага
Период создания2000
Размеры, см29*42
АвторЛевицкая Мария
Техника созданияГуашь

