Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)
Материал основыХолст
Период создания1997
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм
All specifications
11,618 UAH
Painting Nude, artist Dmitry Korsun
Painting Nude, artist Dmitry Korsun
11,618 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Korsun Dmitry

We invite you to enjoy this magnificent artistic masterpiece. Before you is the painting "Nude", created by the talented artist Dmitry Korsun in 1997. This work is a portrait, skillfully executed in the traditions of modernism and impressionism, which makes it a unique expression of style and era.

On a canvas measuring 26.5 x 28 cm, Dmitry Korsun embodied his vision of beauty and sophistication using the exquisite technique of oil painting. The painting takes us into a world of emotional depth and mysterious attraction, characteristic of works of the late 20th century.

Each brushstroke reflects the artist's skill and ability to convey the atmosphere and mood of the scene, leaving room for the viewer's imagination. Without decoration, the painting retains its original appearance, allowing one to focus on the details and color schemes that make it truly unique.

This work is a reflection of the talent and inner world of the master, capable of decorating and enlivening any interior, and revealing to the owner a story full of sophistication and inspiration.

Материал основыХолст
Период создания1997
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм
Размеры, см26,5*28
АвторКорсунь Дмитрий
Техника созданияМасло