Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Painting Girl, nude, artist Turansky Alexander - sold

Материал основыХолст
Период создания1990
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм, Реализм
All specifications
34,240 UAH
Painting Girl, nude, artist Turansky Alexander - sold
Painting Girl, nude, artist Turansky Alexander - sold
34,240 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
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Turansky Alexander

Variants of the nude are presented in several catalogs of the artist Turansky Alexander. This is one of the artist’s favorite themes - the elegance of female curves and the beauty of forms. Inspiring beauty, yak is excellent, transferred by the artist to canvas.

artist Turansky Alexander

Artist's creativity Turansky Alexander occupies a special chapter in the heritage of Ukrainian art. The original style of presenting the plot, vibrant colors and contrasting shades are clearly expressed - a brief description of Turansky’s style.

To see online-catalog of Turansky Alexander works you can in article of our blog.

Our blog also has photos of pages Catalog of the Union of Artists of Ukraine "Painting" 1991 the year of publishing.

We also published photos Catalog of the Main Directorate of Culture and Arts "Painting, plastic" 2006 the year of publishing.

Материал основыХолст
Период создания1990
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм, Реализм
Размеры, см60*80
АвторТуранский Александр
Техника созданияМасло