Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Melnichuk Igor - ukrainian artist

Melnichuk Igor artist

Melnichuk Igor Yulianovich - Honored Artist of Ukraine. 

Born on May 17, 1969 in the picturesque village of Kotsyubinchiki, Chertkovsky district, Ternopil region (Ukraine). After graduating from high school, Melnichuk entered an art school, where his talent was identified and professionally developed. Later he continued his studies at one of the prestigious art universities, where he received a specialty as a graphic artist.

Ukrainian artist, known for his expressive skills in painting and graphics.


Igor Yulianovich Melnichuk lives and works in Kyiv, where he creates his masterpieces. The artist is a representative of modern Ukrainian art, whose works are distinguished by deep inner content and sophisticated artistic execution. He works in different genres and styles, including landscape, portrait, still life, abstraction. With his canvases he tries to amaze the viewer and convey to him his emotions and experiences.

Particular attention in his work is paid to the variety of techniques and the use of color. The artist skillfully uses acrylic, oil, and watercolor, which allows him to create bright, rich images.

In 1985–1991 he studied at the Kosovo College of Folk Arts named after. V. Cassian. 1991-1996 – studying at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, teacher – Professor V. Zabashta. 1996-1999 - Assistant training, internship at NAOMA (with Professor V. Gurin).

Since 1999 – lecturer at the Department of Painting and Composition of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, and since 2003 – senior lecturer.


1995 – laureate of the prize named after. Victor Zaretsky;

1999 – Prize named after. Michael Deregus; honorary diploma of Pro Art;

2004 – honorary distinction “For achievements in the development of culture and the arts”; medal "For high achievements in training personnel of culture and art"; International academic rating "Golden Luck".

2007 – awarded a diploma of honor from NAOMU, and was also awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Ukraine.”

Since 1994, the Ukrainian painter has been a participant in numerous exhibitions. In 2000 he became a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Participant and organizer of annual student plein airs in the Carpathians.

Main works

“The Wedding” (1996), “Apple Savior”, “Bell” (both – 1998), “All the Will of God”, “The Truth of Life, or The Singing of the Birds of Paradise” (both – 1999) . ), “Among the Carpathian Mountains” (2003), “Krasnoil Lilies” (2006), “Old Cavalier. Hutsul the Wizard" (2007), "Still Life with Turkeys" (2008), "Melody of the Carpathians", "Tender Conversation", "Princess" (all - 2010), "The Sound of Trembita" (2011 )), “Shopping center in Yiwu in the evening light”, “Tibet. Yambdrok", "Potala Palace", "Lake Nantso", "Yong-Kang Rock Monastery", "S. Vasyuk”, “Mao Tso” (all – 2014), “Fruit Renaissance”, “Still Life with Catfish” (both – 2015), “Self-Portrait. China. Photon", "White cloud. Fotan”, “On Guard”, “Cactus Flower. Fotan", "Buddhist Sanctuary", "Old Street. Fotan", "Roses. Fotan" (all - 2016).

artist Melnichuk games, painting morning
"Morning", 2004
artist Melnichuk games, painting Painting Still life from rooster
"Still life with a rooster", 2008
artist Melnichuk Games, painting Carpathian Bell
"Bell of the Carpathians"
artist Melnichuk games, painting Horses, mine horses
"Horses, my horses"
 artist Melnichuk games, painting on the way to Rakov Ugol
"On the road to Rakov Ugol"
artist Melnichuk games, painting by Yablunevyi Saved
"Apple Tree Saving"

Exhibitions and achievements

Honored Artist of Ukraine (2007). Prizes named after V. Zaretsky (1995), named after. M. Deregusa (1999). Member of the National Union of Artists (2000).

Since 1999, he has been working at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. Since 2009 – Associate Professor of the Department of Painting and Composition. Participant of all-Ukrainian foreign art exhibitions since the 1990s. Creates landscapes, still lifes, portraits in the styles of expressionism and impressionism.

The works of Igor Yulianovich Melnichuk can be seen at exhibitions both in the capital of Ukraine and in international galleries. He is an active participant in the art space, his works are constantly exhibited at contemporary art exhibitions, where they receive recognition both among critics and among a wide audience.

Influence and legacy

The work of Igor Yulianovich Melnichuk is distinguished not only by technical dexterity, but also by a deep understanding of contemporary art and its role in society. He contributes to the development of Ukrainian artistic culture by actively advocating for the encouragement of creative expression among youth and support for arts education.

In the work of Igor Melnichuk one can feel the desire for harmony and beauty, which is reflected in his works of art. He strives to amaze the viewer with his vision of the world and inner world.

Igor Yulianovich Melnichuk is a recognized master, whose works have become an adornment of Ukrainian and world art. He continues to actively create, conquering new heights of artistic excellence and astounding the public with the depth of his concept and mastery of execution. His work is not just beautiful paintings, but also a source of aesthetic pleasure and spiritual enrichment.
