Boyko Peter

BOIKO Petr Borisovich (born in 1954, Priluki, Chernihiv region) – artist and collector, talented and extraordinary personality, a man of boundless sincerity and openness, a real thirst for life, people and art. His name is listed in the book "Golden Fund of the Nation".
From the age of five and to this day he has been an ardent collector. In his youth, he considered himself a member of the "hippie" movement, traveled a lot. For his rebellious anti-Soviet behavior, he was repeatedly detained by the police and the KGB. Given his opposition views on life, he was sent to military service in the Arkhangelsk region to the "construction battalion", to fell trees.
His own house-museum contains hundreds of examples of various types of painting and antiquities. In addition to collecting, he is also an artist. He often went with Priluki artists to sketch. And over time, in 1985, he entered the Moscow All-Union People's Academy of Painting (teacher by specialty - L. Kastorina), which he graduated in 1993. During his studies, he took lessons from Ilya Glazunov, Zurab Tsereteli.
Since the 1980s, he often went to Odessa, communicated with non-conformist artists, representatives of the Odessa avant-garde, among whom were V. Basanets, E. Usov and Yu. Kovalenko, as well as the Priluki artist P. Mironenko. Subsequently, it was the lessons of Y. Kovalenko that had a huge influence on the worldview, creative style, and life philosophy of P. Boyko.
Since 1992, he has been participating in regional and all-Ukrainian exhibitions. Personal exhibitions were held in Chernigov (2010), Kyiv (2011), Odessa (2012). Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2012).
Special attention should be paid to the exhibition "Ukrainian seasons of modern art in Hong Kong", which was held in Hong Kong. The project selected works by leading Ukrainian artists - Babchinsky Andrey, Bondero Vadim, Khasileva Inna, Yaloza Albina and Boyko Petro.
Boyko Petro was one of the thirteen participants in the exhibition "Hipsters in Kyiv", which was held in the art gallery "Sofia" from December 13, 2008 to January 14, 2009.
The artist's work is characterized by an original, unique style. The past and the present are united in the spiritual space of the artist. Perhaps it was not by chance that he chose the transavant-garde (or neo-expressionism) direction in art.
Boyko Petro's works are stored in the Odessa Museum of Modern Art, the Odessa Literary Museum, the Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named after G. Galagan, Prilutsk Museum of Local History, in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Israel, USA.
Read also - photo report from the exhibition "Bright and candid canvases of Petr Boyko".