Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Ink drawing Eyes, artist Kapkaev Igor - sold

Материал основыБумага
Период создания1990
All specifications
2,751 UAH
Ink drawing Eyes, artist Kapkaev Igor - sold
Ink drawing Eyes, artist Kapkaev Igor - sold
2,751 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Kapkaev Igor

Drawing "Eyes" (also - Gaze, Observer).

The artist is - Kapkaev Igor, a talented illustrator, and comic book drawer, developer of branded packaging (he designed advertising products and branded packaging for such brands as Medoff, Prostokvashino, MiVina, eatMe, Lipton, etc.).

He was born in 1959 in Cherkassy. Studied at the I. Fedorov Lviv Polygraphic Institute (now the Ukrainian Academy of Printing).

To become acquainted with the work and style of a talented illustrator you can follow the link - "Drawings, illustrations by Igor Kapkaev".

Art Dom - the gallery of paintings (shop in Ukraine, Kyiv). Artworks of Ukrainian artists - paintings, graphics (watercolors, etchings, drawings), sketches, decorative and applied arts (figurines). Only original objects, handmade by talented artists that are highly valued in the art market.

We have a collection of rare and valuable art objects that would be a great addition to the collection, a gift or just a decoration for the interior.

Gallery, salon ArtDom (Kiev) - the original paintings by artists and collectors, artworks by professional artists.

Материал основыБумага
Период создания1990
Размеры, см39*27
АвторКапкаев Игорь
Техника созданияТушь, перо