Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)
Материал основыХолст
Период создания2024
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм
All specifications
47,080 UAH
Painting Spring, artist Medyanik Anna
Painting Spring, artist Medyanik Anna
47,080 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Medyanik Anna

The painting "Spring" is a continuation of the author's series "Joy". Medyanik Anna is a positive artist who sees beauty in the little things, in nature, that surround us every day. Each painting by Anna Medyanik is a piece of joy, a charge of positivity that inspires the viewer to see the beauty around us through the eyes of the artist.

Among other things, the artist is very meticulous - she chooses only the best, brightest colors and paints on handmade hemp canvas.

Anna Medyanik artist

Anna Medyanik is a Ukrainian artist. She was born in 1979 in the city of Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk). Already in her childhood, the future artist was surrounded by a creative atmosphere - her mother is a fashion designer and her father is a collector, which had a great influence on the formation of artistic taste.

Currently, many of the artist’s works are in private collections in Ukraine, European countries, and are also presented at the Turkish Embassy in Ukraine.

paintings by Anna Medyanik at the Turkish Embassy
Материал основыХолст
Период создания2024
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм
Размеры, см80*100
АвторМедяник Анна
Техника созданияМасло