Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Painting Still life, flowers, artist Nikolay Neklyuenko

Материал основыХолст
Период создания2006
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм, Реализм
All specifications
25,680 UAH
Painting Still life, flowers, artist Nikolay Neklyuenko
Painting Still life, flowers, artist Nikolay Neklyuenko
25,680 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics

Allow yourself to enjoy a work filled with emotions and inspiration. Before you is the painting "Still Life, Flowers" by artist Nikolay Neklyuenko, an amazing combination of modernism, impressionism and realism. Created in 2006, this work takes us to a world of subtlety and beauty, drawn by the hand of the master. On a canvas measuring 50 by 50 cm, using oil painting technique, the author conveys genuine harmony and natural beauty of flowers, making the still life lively and rich. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of creativity created with soul and skill, and discover the world of art through this unique creation. Without frame, but with great attention to detail, this work will become a symbol of sophistication and skill in your collection.

Материал основыХолст
Период создания2006
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм, Реализм
Размеры, см50*50
АвторНеклюенко Николай
Техника созданияМасло