Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)

Painting The beginning of summer, artist Grishchenko Roman - sold

Материал основыХолст
Период создания2008
СтильИмпрессионизм, Реализм
All specifications
33,192 UAH
Painting The beginning of summer, artist Grishchenko Roman - sold
Painting The beginning of summer, artist Grishchenko Roman - sold
33,192 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Возможно вам будет интересна тема: реставрация деревянных рам
Grishchenko Roman

Grishchenko Roman is a Ukrainian artist and painter from Sevastopol (Crimea, Ukraine). He was born in 1983. From a family of artists and one of the brightest representatives of the Crimean school of painting. A talented pupil of his father, he has adopted much from his mentor, but at the same time is already individual and recognizable, painting in a more daring manner. Roman masters the form and color, his work is diverse and inspired.

In 2005 he graduated from the Crimean Art College named after Samokysh. After studying at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. Active participant of Ukrainian and Crimean exhibitions.

Материал основыХолст
Период создания2008
СтильИмпрессионизм, Реализм
Размеры, см90*69,5
АвторГрищенко Роман
Техника созданияМасло