Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)
Материал основыХолст
Период создания2024
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм, Реализм
All specifications
10,373 UAH
Painting Breeze, artist Ksenia Podgurskaya
Painting Breeze, artist Ksenia Podgurskaya
10,373 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics

Let me introduce you to a refined embodiment of artistic design created by the talented artist Ksenia Podgurskaya. Before you is the painting "Breeze" - a unique work where beauty and harmony merge to create an inspiring still life.

This painting is made in oil painting technique, which gives it depth and richness. On a canvas measuring 35x25 cm, the author uses elements of modernism, impressionism and realism, revealing his artistic individuality and skill in every detail.

Immerse yourself in this beautiful world, where every line and stroke recalls the tenderness of the sea breeze, transporting us to a world of natural beauty. This work of art, created in 2024, will become a real decoration of any interior, embodying the aesthetics of classical and modern art.

Discover the inspiration that fills this creation and let it tell you its story, full of emotion and inner harmony. This painting is a reflection of the talent and inner world of the master, and it invites you to touch real art.

Материал основыХолст
Период создания2024
СтильМодернизм, Импрессионизм, Реализм
Размеры, см35*25
АвторПодгурская Ксения
Техника созданияМасло