Yulia Belyaeva

Born in 1988 in the city of Gaisin (Vinnitsa region, Ukraine).
2005-2011 - Graduated from Kyiv State Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design named after Mykhailo Boychuk.
She works in several genres and styles of art - sculpture (porcelain, ceramics) and digital art. Julia Belyaeva's creative path includes more than 25 exhibitions all over the world. On her account is the exhibition at the PinchukArtCentre “Remember the Day When” (2021), a series of sculptures for the artwindows of TSUM in the center of Kiev for the exhibition “Beauty in Imperfection” and sculptures “Cate Underwood” created for the exhibition “Ukraine in Fashion” for the project Vogue UA 2018.
Belyaeva Yulia's works are original, attractive and challenging. They have an authorial, recognizable style and contain a special philosophical subtext. It is worth noting that Belyaeva Julia combines new technologies and works with a complex material - ceramics. Thus, as a sculptor, she revives a whole layer of creative genre in Ukrainian art, bringing her own contribution.