Kyiv, Hetmana Pavla Skoropadskyi st., 6a (formerly Leo Tolstoy)
-9,141 UAH
Материал основыБумага
Период создания2010
All specifications
17,451 UAH
8,310 UAH
Watercolor Sea landscape, artist Kurilko Irina
Watercolor Sea landscape, artist Kurilko Irina
8,310 UAH
17,451 UAH
  • Overview
  • Characteristics
Возможно вам будет интересна тема: хранение картин дома
Kurilko Irina

The watercolor by a talented artist from Odessa - Irina Kurilko (1974, Odessa - 2019).

The works of Kurilko are a rarity in the art market because of the modest lifestyle of the artist and so early passing from life (the artist died at the age of 45).

In 2000, she graduated from the Graphic Art Department of K. Ushinsky National Pedagogical University of South Ukraine (Odessa). In her works especially well chosen color scheme, which emphasizes the colorful nature, and a feature of the style of the artist - emphasis of contours shadows, which gives a volume of objects. It is this combination that forms the author's style of Kurilko Irina.

To see more of Irina Kurilko's work, follow the link and read our Blog article.

Art Dom - the gallery of paintings (shop in Ukraine, Kyiv). Artworks of Ukrainian artists - paintings, graphics (watercolors, etchings, drawings), sketches, decorative and applied arts (figurines). Only original objects, handmade by talented artists that are highly valued in the art market.

We have a collection of rare and valuable art objects that would be a great addition to the collection, a gift or just a decoration for the interior.

Gallery, salon ArtDom (Kiev) - the original paintings by artists and collectors, artworks by professional artists.

Материал основыБумага
Период создания2010
Размеры, см59*42
АвторКурилко Ирина
Техника созданияСмешанная техника (акварель, гуашь, масло)